Saturday, April 2, 2022

The Tournament


AUTHOR'S NOTE:  This is an alternate universe story.  I assure you all of the poses you see used here will eventually be used in a wide variety of Green Tower City Stories.  Other than the Introduction, this story will be told mostly in panels, and will work almost like a cartoon if you click through the panels quickly. It is going to go on for a very. VERY. Long time. 

I’m Ishmael the Fourth I am.  Ishmael the Fourth I am I am.  I got married to the…(Ok, More about that later.)

It is the early morning of the 20th of January in the year 2475.  I am in my bedchamber, which is the entire topmost floor of The Green Tower.  My bed is empty, which I have to admit, every once in a while, is kind of nice.    I am EXTREMELY well rested, which is good as this is going to be a LONG and tiring day.  For the first time in a while the floors and walls of the room are not splattered in blood and there are no dead girls laying sprawled out on the floor.  My Queen of the last 3 months is pregnant at last, so she has left for Queensland, taking her possessions with her (which include 4 slaves she took from Death Matches.)  She will return in a year but will have to fight her way back to the top if she wants to be my Queen again.  I liked her a lot.  She was a SAVAGE brawler, as evidenced by the fact that she put down my last Queen and killed off 12 more-bedroom challengers over the last 3 months.  Without a doubt she is a SUPERIOR woman and fucking her nightly has been Heaven.  I wouldn’t complain if she made it back up here again, nor will I be surprised.

The child (or twins as it turned out last time) will be raised in Queensland.  Unless the child is a boy, they will never know who their father is, nor will I know who they are.  (It will most likely be a girl, though it is hoped that before I die I will manage to produce at least one son, as has every Ishmael before me (otherwise, obviously, I wouldn’t be here.)  This may seem cruel, but it serves a purpose.  Given their maternal lineage, they will almost certainly want to become fighters themselves someday, which means either myself or one of my offspring (if I ever produce a “Miracle Son”) may in fact end up having sex with them.  Kind of gross, admittedly, but after all what we don’t know won’t hurt us.  As far as I know, some of the women I have had sex with over the years could be….well better not to think about it.

And so, the time has arrived for another Tournament.  I start a pot of coffee and go take my first look out the window, looking down into the courtyard some 1000 feet below.  It is FILLED with 300 topless women between the ages of 18 and 42.  It’s kind of hard to see what’s going on all the way down there so I switch on the video monitors which will show me all the action going on out in the Courtyard.  My God there are SOOO many gorgeous women!  And they are all here to fight over ME!  To the DEATH!  And the weirdest thing is they all WANT to do this!  Their whole lives revolve around killing other female fighters.   They have all been selected based on my personal standards of attractiveness (which are relatively loose to be honest) and all must have SOME sort of fighting experience or at least have training.)  Their first names are all entered into a big lottery, and as they are randomly selected, they will enter the tower to go to the first floor, where the first round of fighting will take place.  The first 300 who showed up starting at midnight this morning were allowed in.  Working their way through the throngs of women are DOZENS of armed City moderators, walking in pairs.  The rules of the Tournament are VERY strict.  There is to be NO fighting of ANY kind in the courtyard.  If a fight breaks out (and it does frequently since there are many mortal enemies mixed into the crowd) the City Moderators will set upon them immediately and execute them.  At that point the next two women outside the gates will be allowed in.

Also, right up until the time the cage is lowered down over them for their first Death Match, any girl can back out and leave the Tournament.  If they do so before the first round, they will not be ridiculed in any way, as even entering the Courtyard on Tournament Day is seen as an act of courage.

Chickening out right before the match up or in a later round, on the other hand, will ensure the fighter is ridiculed everywhere she goes and will most likely be the end of her fighting career in a MUCH worse way than being killed in combat.  (Every fighting girl hopes her end comes in a battle, though it is a common saying that one always hopes for it to not be today.)  

Outside the walled in courtyard topless women line the street as far as I can see, all hoping to get into the Tournament because of “Early Exits.” They are all being well behaved, as there are City Mods patrolling the street as well and will not tolerate ANY unsanctioned violence once the women are within a few hundred yards of the Castle Entryway.

The breakdown of the Tournament is as follows.

The 300 women inside the Courtyard each have their name listed on a registry.  I have a computerized version on me that if I press a button, two of the names will randomly be selected.  These two fighters will be called out, and directed to enter the Tower from opposite ends, each getting their own walkway towards the fighting area.  Unless they see each other being selected and escorted into the Tower by the Mods, they will not know who their opponent will be until they meet up on the mattress.  This is the time when girls are most likely to opt out of the Tournament, and  the women waiting in line to enter the Courtyard are hoping this will happen.  When it does I simply punch the button on my registry one time and another fighter will be selected.  (The registry updates itself automatically if fighters switch.)

 Every year the number of girls stays the same, and all the venues will be the same, but set up slightly differently.  The event itself is sponsored by the various Fighting Venues of Green Tower City and each of them is in charge of one round of the Tournament.

Round One is sponsored by The Bloody Mattress and takes place on the 1st floor of the Big Tower.  Bleachers encircle the interior of the huge round chamber and are PACKED with bloodthirsty female fight spectators who paid a pretty penny to watch the Tournament on person.

The Tournament has STRICT rules which must be followed at all times by all combatants.  If ANY combatant violates ANY of the directives given by the MC over the loudspeaker, BOTH combatants will be executed immediately by the 4 City Mods surrounding the fighting area.  Their bodies will be dragged out of the Courtyard and tossed to the Muto-Dogs. If the Tournament has not yet moved beyond the end of the first round, 2 more fighters will be allowed in from outside the Courtyard. Needless to say, this doesn’t happen often, but I guarantee it will at LEAST once during the course of the Tournament.  Very few if any of these girls like each other, and many of them have numerous grudges against the other combatants and simply CAN’T wait to tear into each other.  

Fights in this round will be 1 on 1, and to the death.  No slave taking is to be allowed in this round, though it will most likely be allowed in later rounds.  Slight differences will be announced for each individual bout, and the fighters are expected to follow the MC’s instructions to the letter, or they will be dispatched violently by the Four mods surrounding the fighting area. 

Once the 299th and 300th fighters have fought and one of them stands victorious over the other the announcement will be made at the gate that entrance to the Tournament is officially closed, and any women still waiting will have no choice but to turn around and head to their respective homes, disappointed.   (The exception is if the fighters manage to kill each other, in which case the lucky next two girls in line will be fighting each other to move on the Round Two.  This actually DID happen 3 years ago, and one of those two went on to win the Tournament, AND survive her Queenship, going out to Queensland pregnant 2 weeks later! That just goes to show that waiting in line outside the gate until the Entries are closed can pay off!

It will take a few days to get through the first Round of fights. 300 Girls begin the Round, 150 (or less if there are many double executions or kills) The winner of each fight will collect the panties of her kill and spend the remainder of the next bout in my private viewing chamber with me.  We can dry hump and make out, but she is not allowed to take her panties off for this particular make out session.  (I’ve noticed that many of them will make sure to cream the inside of their panties, and in their next match up they will try to snuff their opponent to death with the crusty cum stinky crotch of their panties.)

When the next fight is over, She will be escorted to her own private bedchamber on one of the next 3 floors of the Big Tower,  (There are 50 such bedchambers on each of these 3 floors.) 

This first round will typically last anywhere from 5-12 days.  The first bell will be rung at 8:00 AM sharp, and the first fight to begin after 8:00 PM will be the last.  There is no time limit for the fights, but once the “Kill Bell” has been rung (a series of short rapid bell strikes) the victor has 60 seconds to strike a victory pose, establishing her superiority over her victim.  If she is unable to do so by the end of the 60 second periods, she will be executed.  

At the end of each day of fighting the mattress, which will by then be a soggy blood, shit, puke, cum and urine sponge by that time will be dragged out of the fighting chamber.  It will be left outside to dry and be auctioned off to one of the wealthy spectators the next morning before First Bell.  (I can’t imagine why someone would want such a disgusting thing, but some of these women are WEIRD, and ALL are wildly turned on by female combat.  It is what has replaced pornography in these strange times.)



So now I am sitting in a comfortable chair inside my own private cage just about 10 yards way from the fighting area, which gives me the best seat in the house of anyone except the emotionless Moderators, who really don’t seem too interested in much of anything at all.   Even though I am the one who presses the button that randomly selects the fighters, don’t know who they will be until they stroll out to the fighting mattress.   The women packing the bleachers are BRISTLING with excitement. 

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