Saturday, September 25, 2021

My Process

 I've been meaning to do this for some time.  I'd like to share with you my current process for creating fights in Green Tower City.  This will hopefully explain why it sometimes takes me SO long to complete some of these battles, but also how, in the long run, I will one day be cranking out fight after fight after fight, possibly dozens per day, until all ten years of my timeline is completely illustrated with BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of drawings.  (Well, maybe not that many, but I love to throw in a Carl Sagan quote whenever the opportunity arises.)

I start with a hand made drawing of an isolated pose.  Sometimes it is an individual pose of just one character, sometimes it is an "action pose" between two characters.  In recent years, I have been exclusively using two of my favorite girls: Beth and Harmony.  

Reasons for this are as follows:

1:  I love these characters. 

2: They are very basic designs.  No footwear, no stockings.   Just panties and ponytails.  (The importance of this will become clear soon) 

3:  These two have a LONG running feud throughout most of the ten year timeline and it has always been my intention that the final battle in the timeline will be an EPIC fight to the death between them, but only after many MANY bouts in a variety of different locations. 

So here's how I am currently doing this.  I will illustrate this process using one of my favorite pose templates. 

First, I make the drawing.  The initial drawing is always done by hand, on paper, with colored pencil and felt tip pen. This particular drawing I added background, but most of the time now I don't do that unless I am working on a commissioned piece.  I also do not add blood or bruising.  (More on that later)

I scan the drawing into my computer.  This is how it first appears.  

I then put the original physical drawing into a sheet protector and file it away into a 3 Ring binder. 

I title it and place it in it's respective folder in the "Workshop" section on my computer. I won't get into that right now, but I assure you it is all VERY organized.  In fact, organization has become one of the MAIN factors in this concept moving forward, and I have it pretty well locked down.   The poses are titled by move, and then sometimes broken down into various sub categories.  This particular pose is titled Victory Foot on Loser On Back 3.  (All of which is self explanatory, I think.) 

Next comes the most time consuming part of the process.  I open the pose up in Paintshop and "Green Screen" it.  While doing this I also re-outline it and touch the drawing up a bit with paintshop.  I try not to overdo it, because I want the essence of my final product to still look more or less like pencil drawings, but I have found that I can do MUCH better detail work on my computer than I can on a piece of paper.  For one thing, my eyes aren't as great as they used to be, and on my computer I can blow these images WAY up and really get into finer details.  

At this point I can drop this particular pose into any one of a number of pre-made background sets. I do this using Office Publisher.  I can remove all the "green screen" from the picture with one click.  It isn't perfect, but it works pretty well.

Here's a few different backdrops I can use.  Most of these consist of several different interchangeable and or adjustable elements. 

Here Beth has defeated Harmony at Daisy Duke's.

Here Beth has defeated Harmony in a bedroom fight in Ishmael's little loft apartment above Daisy Duke's. 

Here Beth has defeated Harmony at Catfight Cavern.

Here Beth has defeated Harmony at one of my personal favorite venues "The Bloody Mattress."  This particular background consists of 3 separate elements.  The ground and crowd silhouettes is one.  The cage is another, and then the mattress, of which I have several different angles, styles, and level of bloodiness. (depending on which fight of the day it is.  The Bloody Mattress begins each days bouts with a fresh mattress, which is soaked in blood and all manner of bodily fluids by the final fight of the day.) 

Now comes my favorite part, completing the "panel."  I do this by opening this piece back up in Paintshop, and adding little details, like indents in the mattress.  (I really like doing this for some reason) 

Adding blood and bruising.  I REALLY love doing this for some reason.

And then at last I will add sound effects and/ or dialogue.  (I actually find this part kind of tedious, but the end result finalizes the panel and is therefore quite rewarding.) 

And that's my process.  It only took me several hours to make this one panel.  The end.  

Oh wait, no there's more.  

So much more. 

First, let's go back to the original Green Screened action panel. 

This is fine for Beth defeating Harmony, but what if I want to make a fight story with any one of my OTHER 200 (and counting) characters?  Well, let me show you. 

Step one is to paint out their panties and hair.  I do this with standard red.  (The color choice was more or less arbitrary, but I think it looks cool.)  I also copy the file, and make two versions, one for each character. I leave the title intact, but add A and B at the end, respectively. The most important aspect of this is to NOT change the size of either drawing, or crop anything out.  (This is actually the most recent improvement on my process, and although it added a bunch of extra work initially, the final payout is going to be HUGE, as you will see.)

The first version is Victory Foot On Loser On Back 3 base A:

The next version is titled Victory Foot On Loser On Back 3 base B.  

 (The "base" in the title refers to their lack of footwear.)

Then I copy each of these, and change the word "base" in the title to "foot socks"

 I copy and paste them again, this time titling them "Calf socks"

 Next is knee socks:

Then Thigh Highs:

And finally "Tights."  These will be used mostly to create fighting ballerinas.  Lori is the first ballerina to enter the city and begin trying her hand at a professional fighting career, but later in the timeline there will be a proliferation of Fighting Ballerinas, some of whom will team up, while others will be enemies.  When I get there these templates will be indispensable, though the ballerina poses will require an extra step to add the panties and slippers.  

Each of these templates is saved in that particular pose folder.  I can now use any one of them to make a variety of different fighting characters, who can then be mixed and matched.  How I do this is as follows:

I create a publisher file for each pose, which is then titled with the specific name of the pose.  It starts with a green screen background. 

Then I plug in the version of the pose template that I want. For an example here I will use "Thigh Highs"

Next I add the colors I want.  These color swatches are, like the original pose, drawn on paper with colored pencil.  I admit I do touch them up slightly in paintshop, but 90% of what you are seeing in these panels is still pencil on paper.  I save copies of the corresponding colors for each character in her own personal folder. (which also contains her profile info, her fight record, and her "Pose Portfolio" divided into 2 basic parts: Individual Poses and Action Poses

Nicole has two basic colors:  Black and Black Nylon.  A copy of these color swatches exist in her personal files, so I don't have to hunt them up and also, for characters who use more varied colors, I can keep their consistency perfect across all their poses. 

I move the color swatches over their respective spots, then drop them under the template (but not under the green background)

Once I have sandwiched the color swatches between the background and the pose template. I remove the red portions, leaving only the color swatches.  

Then I save the file as a JPG in the character's respective folder, open it with Paintshop again, and complete the final touches.  It takes longer for more complex looking characters, but I find this process to be very enjoyable busy work. I was making templates for hair styles, but I found that it is easier (and actually pretty fun) to just paint in the character's respective hairstyle, and I can do this from the basic ponytail look without much difficulty. I've even learned a few paintshop brushing techniques to make these portions still look like colored pencil on paper.

The Key to this, and something I only recently figured out, is to NOT resize, move or crop this image in ANY way.  As long as I resist that urge, this pose can then be instantly matched up with ANY other character who has the B version of the pose.  

Nicole defeats Harmony.  (In ANY venue I have a background for)

Or Nicole defeats Lori the Fighting Ballerina

Or Harmony defeats Lori

Or Harmony finally defeats her arch nemesis Beth!

Now I know what you might be thinking.  "Wow how monotonous!  The same pose over and over."

But it isn't.  I have hundreds of poses.  And I make new ones all the time. Eventually there will be thousands of different poses.  Will every character have every single pose in her portfolio?  Probably not, but I do intend to have a core of my favorite characters who do have MOST of them.  

There are also, of course, characters who show up talking shit on their first appearance in the city, and get killed immediately.  I only need to do a handful of poses for those dumb bitches, such as Yasmine, who challenged Nicole to a Birthday Girl Death Match on her 18th birthday, and got brutally killed by the veteran brawler. 

You also may be thinking I only like white girls.  Also not true.  I am working on adding templates for POC characters, but it will take time.  

Ebony is my resident "Black Girl" who, having a basic panty and hair design will serve as my base character for other black girls who I will be introducing very soon. 

And there are some resident "Brown Girls" as well.  Maria will most likely be the base Brown Girl character. 

She is a little tougher because I didn't give her a ponytail, but I may create a new "Latino" character just for this purpose.  This will require an immense amount of work, as I will have to redraw all their poses, but I can do so by tracing my original drawings and just coloring the skin in with different shades.  I am planning to do several such stories by the end of this year. 

I have already begun to create some poses (based on Ebony poses) for Kendra, who is fighting Suzie by request from one of my Patreon donors. 

If this all just seems like a RIDICULOUS amount of work, well, it is, but is is a labor of love.  I thoroughly enjoy working on these things, and now that I have several different aspects I can work with, I never get bored, because I do sometimes get tired of drawing, or writing, or working on the templates, but I'm pretty much ALWAYS in a mood to do one of those things. 

And the templates I can work on anywhere anytime, as long as I have my laptop with me.  I can work on them in my downtime at work (which I have a lot of just by the nature of my job) I can do them at home while watching my favorite shows, while smoking weed, listening to podcasts, smoking weed, listening to music, smoking weed, or even while enjoying a few cocktails on a Saturday night. This is pretty much what I do instead of playing video games or "hanging out with people."  Neither of which are things I really like doing too much. 

And the reason I am sharing all of my process with you, is because I have this crazy idea that maybe someone else would like to try it.  By the end of the year I plan to have a streamlined, easy to navigate version of my "workshop" available for anyone who would like to try making their own Green Tower City fight stories. 

One last thing before I close this rather long winded blog.  You may be wondering why I don't just break down and use one of the many existing 3D computer programs.  Its simple.  I don't like the look of it really, and there are hundreds, of not thousands of people producing art that way already, and though there are definitely skill levels involved, and some folks truly do produce some STUNNING artwork with those programs, to me they all kind of still look the same. 

I like this process because I came up with it myself, through years of trial and error, and though I know I am not even CLOSE to being the best artist out there doing catfight stuff, my drawings and stories are at least unique. 



Sunday, September 12, 2021

2-11-2473 - 2-13-2473 (INTERIM)



 Sing Li and I spend a relaxing day at her home.  She makes me fabulous Asian style cuisine all day long.  It is a delicious mixture of Chinese, Japanese and Korean food. Throughout the day she shows me videos of her fights and we perform a wide variety of sex acts on each other. After one such session we are enjoying tea on Sing Li’s back patio when another woman walks up, wearing nothing but light blue panties with matching knee high socks and schoolgirl style clogs.  I recognize her as Chinami, the girl Sing Li defeated in the first round of the Elimination Tournament.   Sing Li stands up slowly and strips off her white bathrobe, revealing her white fighting panties and thigh highs underneath.  The two lovely Asian women begin to circle slowly in the yard. My dick hardens as I watch. 

Chinami vs. Sing Li

(Sing-Li’s House)



“You will be the one who dies today.”  Sing Li responds.  During what little down time I’ve had I have managed to get in quite a bit of reading on the state of the world at the moment.  In New Japan this sort of death fight in a private residence is actually legal, though this is not true in the rest of the world, 90% of which is governed by an elected body of officials from all over the world called the New World Council. to the death over my hand. 

Chinami puts up a good fight but Sing Li finishes her off with a brutal high kick that nearly takes her head off, and when she flops to the mat Sing Li pounces and snaps her neck with one quick twist of her arms. 

 After the fight we go to bed and fuck wildly late into the night.  In the morning Sing Li says she is bored and wants me to go to New Tokyo with her to see her fight in some pro venues.



My body guards escort me, Sing Li and Doctor Green deep into the center of New Tokyo, towards a towering arena.  The name of the place roughly translates as “The Blood Ring”, and it is the hub of New Tokyo’s combat sports. 


Sing Li vs. ???

(The Blood Ring)

Sing Li destroys another opponent in the ring.  We go to a nice hotel room and celebrate her victory.  She tells me she wants to win a fight for me every day.  I wonder how long she can keep it up. 



Sing Li vs. Miho

(The Blood Ring)

Sing Li finally meets her match in Miho, a cute Japanese fighter with dyed blonde hair. Miho annihilates Sing Li relatively quickly and my wife is carried off to the hospital. I take Miho back to my hotel room with me and pleasure her throughout the night.  She wants me to come watch her fight again the next day.


2-8-2473 - 2-10-2473 New Japan Wife Search




Part One:  134 to 16

An elimination tournament has been set up to find me a wife.  She will be my “Japanese Wife.” And will remain in New Japan.  I can come back to visit her whenever I want and she will remain my wife here in this country until death do us part or until someone unseats her.  All the participants look to be around the same age and size to me and at first there is over 100.  They are all EXTREMELY sexy. I am told the combatants range in age  between 18 and 25.  


A large circular cage has been set up.  The girls all wear matching white panties.  They are told when the whistle blows they will fight.  When only 16 fighters are still conscious the whistle will be blown again and the fight is to stop immediately.  Any further acts of violence at that point will be punished.  (Girls know better than to violate the rules here it turns out.)


Before the fight begins, once all the terms are laid out, the girls are asked if anyone wishes to back out.  A handful of girls run from the cage, too scared to continue. 


3 hours of unspeakable violence takes place.  The whistle is blown.  16 girls remain standing, in various stages of health.  They are each escorted out of the ring by an armed guard, not being allowed contact with any of the other survivors.  The bodies are dragged out.  Ones who still live are given medical treatment if needed, dumped on the lawn on front of the arena if not.  The dead are cremated.  

.  I am taken back to my room and am told tomorrow I will get to spend almost one full hour with each surviving fighter. I am given some vitamins I am told will increase my sexual endurance.  I am told I will need it. 


I take my vitamins and fall into a deep dreamless slumber.



At 6:00 am sharp, a cute little Japanese girl runs into my room, wearing nothing but her white fighting panties.  She has black hair tied up in two buns on either side of her head. She is one of the victorious survivors of yesterday’s brutal Battle Royale, and she is eager for her prize, which is…me!   She  mounts me excitedly and within minutes I have flipped her over and am sliding in and out of her furiously.  She squeals with joy and the two of us explode cum together. It is the first time I have engaged in sexual intercourse in over 300 years.  It is glorious.  I cannot remember a single time in my entire existence I have felt as good as I feel right at this moment.  As we lay in bed together, fully satisfied, she tells me about herself.  Her name is Aiko.  She is  21 years old and apparently LOVES to fight.  She has been training her whole life to be a fighter and it’s her dream goal to travel one day to Green Tower City and make a name for herself as a professional fighter.  She is convinced she will emerge from the tournament the victor and take me as her husband. 

At 7:00 am sharp a guard comes and escorts Aiko away.  She gives me a little smile and a wave as she disappears around the corner.

7:05: Another young woman enters the room, also wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton panties.  She is an inch or two taler than Aiko but otherwise the two girls look quite similar.  She wastes no time climbing on top of me and we begin to make out.   After I have finished her, we lay in bed together and again I am told a life story.  She is 23 years old and a recent graduate of Senior Academy. This is apparently some sort of fighting college where women go to hone their fighting skills and prepare for a life of professional combat. It is her dream to one day travel to Green Tower City and become the world’s greatest professional fighter.  She is convinced she will emerge from the tournament the victor and take me as her husband. 


8:10: An hour with Yoshiko.  We fuck.  She tells me her life story.  It is not much different that the first two girls.  It is her dream to one day travel to Green Tower City and become the world’s greatest professional fighter.  She is convinced she will emerge from the tournament the victor and take me as her husband. 


9:15: An hour with Etsuko.  Blah Blah Blah, It is her dream to one day travel to Green Tower City and become the world’s greatest professional fighter.  She is convinced she will emerge from the tournament the victor and take me as her husband. 


10:20: An hour with Kyoko. 

11:15: I am brought lunch and get to enjoy it in silence.  By this point I kind of need a break.  I am given another “vitamin” with my food and before long I am horny again and ready to reward  the next wave of victorious fighting women.


12:00 An hour with Runa. I am unsurprised to learn she has been fighting her whole life and wants to one day live in Green Tower City.


1:05: An hour with Sing-Li.  Sing Li is 18 and the second youngest fighter in the tournament.  She is very sexy and possibly my favorite girl so far.  I find myself kind of hoping she will at least emerge victorious from the first round.  She tells me, like the others, that she loves to fight and has been doing so most of her life.  She does not mention Green Tower City, however.  For now her focus seems to be on becoming a professional fighter on the New Japanese circuit.


2:10: An hour with Chinami

3:15: An hour with Makiko

4:20: An hour with Fukimi.  She is the youngest in the tournament, just barely 16.  She is my favorite girl so far.

5:25: An hour with Ichika.  She is the oldest in the tournament at age 29.

6:30:  I am brought dinner.

7:00: An hour with Tamiko

8:05: An hour with Nagako.

9:10: An hour with Yuko.

10:15: An hour with Ayami.

11:20:  An hour with Katsuko. She leaves at 12:25 and I am left alone for the evening.  I am told I will need my rest as the first round of the Elimination Tournament is tomorrow, beginning at 6:00 am.  I take my vitamins and again fall into a deep and restful sleep.


PART 3: Round One

The fights are held on a very large yellow mat surrounded by spectators.  I have a place of honor in a giant comfortable throne.  There is a small chamber off to the west side of the arena that has a single small mattress on the floor.  My job is to pleasure the winner of each bout between fights. 


The rules are pretty simple.  No foreign objects or outside interference.  If part of a girl’s opponent’s body is off the mat she must pull her back.  If a fighter falls completely off the mat two mat girls will run out and toss her back on.  Attacks can only be made on any part of an opponent that is still on the mat. 


The rules are pretty simple.  No foreign objects or outside interference.  If part of a girl’s opponent’s body is off the mat she must pull her back.  If a fighter falls completely off the mat two mat girls will run out and toss her back on.  Attacks can only be made on any part of an opponent that is still on the mat. 


Dirty kills are strictly forbidden.  However if a fighter is humiliated during the fight, either by pissing herself of shitting herself, the other girl has one chance to make a clean single blow kill. 


The girls enter the arena in the same order I met them.  They are no longer all wearing the same white panties, but have donned their own individual fighting outfits.  The only thing they all have in common is regular cotton panties though these are all of various colors.  Some of them fight wearing noting else, but some have socks, shoes, boots, thigh highs.  It seems their fighting outfit is part of their identity. The bell to being the  first bout rings at precisely 6:00 am.  

Aiko vs. Saya

Aiko defeats Saya after a decent back and forth brawl that goes on for about 16 minutes.  It only takes me a couple minutes to pleasure Aiko and by the time I emerge from the “Trophy Room” the unconscious and bloodied body of Saya has been dragged off and the nest two girls are already standing on opposing corners of the fighting mat, glaring at each other.  Aiko disappears through a door, presumably to get some medical attention and some rest before Round Two.  As soon as I sit down on my chair, the bell rings for the next fight.

Yoshiko vs. Etsuko

Etsuko defeats Yoshiko quickly and efficiently, dropping her to the mat with a quick high kick, mounting her and face sitting her out.  She strikes a quick victory pose and takes my hand, leading me into the Trophy Room.

Kyoko vs. Runa

Runa defeats Kyoko

Sing-Li vs. Chinami

Sing-Li defeats Chinami

Makiko vs. Fukimi

It is clear from the moment the bell rings that these two girls intensely dislike each other.  They charge straight to the center of the mat and exchange a series of nasty face slaps, then engage in a brutal fist fight.  Eventually Fukimi mounts Makiko and begins to pound her face into a pulp, occasionally slapping her back awake.  Makiko is almost done, but manages to get a hold of Fukimi’s breast and digs a NASTY gouge out of the soft white flesh.  Fukimi drops off her mount and the bloodied Makiko scoots away, eyes wide with terror.  She is clearly the inferior woman.  Fukimi, now enraged, pounces on her and cocks her fist.  Makiko shits herself!  Fukimi has an opportunity for a kill!  She gets to her feet and knee drops into the terrified girl’s face. CRUCNH!!! Her body jerks and goes limp.  A CLEAN KILL!!!

Ichika vs. Tamiko

Tamiko defeats Ichika

Nagako vs. Yuko

Nagako takes control of the brawl quickly and is pounding Yuko all over the mat.  Yuko pisses herself while squirming towards the edge of the mat, possibly trying to escape.  Nagako is given the thumbs up for a clean kill attempt and expertly dispatches Yuko with a stomp to the back of the skull.


Ayami vs. Katsuko

Ayami defeats Katsuko.  I take her into the Trophy Room.  This is my eighth sexual encounter with the winner of a violent fight since I got up this morning.  What a life I have stumbled into.  When I have satisfied her, she trots off to rest up for Round Two.

 I am brought a delicious meal as I hang out in my chair.  About an hour passes.  Most of the fights of the first round were short, brutal affairs and it is not yet noon. 

 At 12:00 sharp the second round begins.

Part 4: Round Two

The rules for the second round of fighting are the same, except now each fighter will have sixty seconds after the victory bell to try to finish her opponent off for good. 


Again I am to pleasure the winner of each fight between matches. This time I will get to spend a full hour with them, unlike the first round where they left as soon as I made them cum.


Aiko vs. Etsuko

Aiko defeats Etsuko.  She attempts to snuff her with a face sit but is unable to do so before the 60 second bell, and has to settle for a no kill victory.

Runa vs. Sing-Li

Sing-Li kills Runa

Fukimi vs. Tamiko

Fukimi defeats Tamiko but is unable to kill her.

Nagako vs. Ayami

Ayami kills Nagako, finishing her with a neck snap and dropping her limp corpse to the mat at exactly 5:11 pm.  I spend my hour with her.    

Part 5: Round 3

From this point on every fight is a fight to the death.  Any girl who wants to back out can now do so.  Nobody does. 

 I will have an hour with the winner of each fight.  At bedtime, I will spend 4 hours with one fighter and 4 hours with the other, and the final fight will take place a few hours later.   This is all done to increase jealousy between the girls and it works.  Oh how it works.


Aiko vs. Sing-Li

Sing Li kills Aiko.

Fukimi vs. Ayami

Fukimi kills Ayami.

Part 6:  The Final Fight

(Fukimi vs. Sing-Li)

An absolutely savage 37 minute all out brawl ensues.  Sing Li gets the kill and becomes my Japanese wife.  She is badly hurt and exhausted, so we have a honeymoon of a full day of rest and relaxation together.  I thought Sing-Li would want a longer rest period than that after partaking in such a brutal tournament, but it is clear pretty quick that she is already anxious to have another fight.  This seems to be all women do any more.


2-4-2473 - 2-7-2473 (INTERLUDE)




Call me Ishmael.  Some years ago, never mind how long precisely, having little or no money in my purse and nothing in particular to interest me on this planet, I thought I would take off in a spacecraft of government design, and hurtle around the galaxy for a while to see if there was anything going on out there in the inky endless void we call “space.”


     It turned out there wasn’t much of anything going on out there, at least not according to my instrument panels as my craft hurtled past one planetary system after another.  I did this for some 250 years, give or take a decade.  (That’s 250 years in real time by the way, which affected my aging process very little since I spent the majority of that time in a peaceful cryogenic slumber) Then I awoke one day for my yearly spacecraft maintenance duties and, finding the instrument panel still devoid of discoveries indicative of extra-terrestrial life, I decided to set a course back towards Earth, having absolutely no idea what sort of madness I would encounter upon my arrival.  I was now light years away from home, and at maximum warp it would take my craft 50 years to get there, so I set it on a direct heading, had a nice hot dinner of spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread from the molecular reassembler device, and climbed back into my cryo-chamber.


     And so the time passed.  As usual I was awoken once a year to do standard spacecraft maintenance, and to simply stretch my legs for a bit before climbing back into the sleep pod.  As I typically spend about an hour awake each year, my return journey seemed to take no more than a couple days, though over 50 years passed.  When I was woken up the last time it turned out I only had a week left before arriving at Earth, so I decided to stay up and watch the approach of my home planet.


It is not the same planet that I left behind in 2123.  The oceans seem to have nearly taken over the globe.  There are no signs of polar caps.  I do not recognize the small island continents.  The large mostly blue orb gets bigger and bigger until it is all I can see.  I am through the atmosphere.    I see a small group of islands far off to my left and I try to track in in my mind as the ocean  rushes up to greet me.  My craft splashes in.  It is a very smooth landing.


     Now my craft is adrift in the ocean, having, as promised by the agency that sent me out into space, converted quite nicely into a submersible water craft.  I just came back inside from my rather luxurious deck, where I’ve been sitting for a couple hours now, looking about, and seeing nothing but water as far as my eyes can detect in any direction.  My instrument panel says I should be near Japan, but so far I have seen nothing.  No islands.  No boats.  No aircraft.  It’s very warm, though it’s supposed to be February in the North Pacific. As I record this entry in my log I am a little over 332 years old, though I don’t look a day over 30.  It seems sleeping in the cryogenic chamber so much not only slows my aging process, it actually reverses it!  I’ve figured this out because if I really do the math, adding up how many years I’ve been alive but subtracting the years I’ve been in cryogenic sleep mode, I should appear to be around 50 years old.   (I guess I’m gonna have to keep that thing around.)  I’m sitting in what could, I suppose, be called my “captain’s” chair though such a designation is fairly meaningless, as I don’t have any crew.  (Well, other than Doctor Green, but he’s a robot.  Well sort of.  Actually he is a preserved human brain with giant metallic spider like contraption built around him.  The brain I’m told is of a 20th century human being who’s profession was something called a “Catfight Artist.”  (He drew pictures of women fighting each other.)  I’m not sure what use that will be, but he is friendly, funny, and knows a lot about early Earth history not to mention pop culture of his own time period.  And all the many appendages his large spider like chassis is equipped with have come in handy.  I could never ask for a more effective assistant, body guard, guide and companion.



The date is February 4th, 2473, assuming my chronometer is accurate, and I have no reason to believe it isn’t. 



There is definitely life here.  I saw some birds fly by earlier today as I was reclining on my deck, and there are also fish in the ocean.  I’ve considered trying to catch something to eat, but the molecular re-organizer continues to function perfectly, and with it I can make any type of food I can imagine, though admittedly my culinary tastes are pretty plain.  (Sometimes I even get a craving for a good old “McDonald’s Cheeseburger”, and though I don’t understand entirely how it works, the machine can produce something that looks and tastes exactly like it, complete with the paper wrapper, which of course I throw back into the intake chamber to be disassembled once again. (No sense littering, or wasting raw materials.)  When I’m not eating, or trying to figure out what I want to eat I spend most of my time just relaxing there on my deck, reading books that I packed with me when I left Earth over 3 centuries ago, and staring out across the water. It’s very peaceful, and a nice change from the cold dark vacuum of space, though I admit I long for human company. 

This is now two days in a row I have managed to come back into the ship however and record a log entry, which is a task I neglected frequently during my space travels, and one I do not intend to miss again for however long I happen to continue living. 



It is substantially earlier than the normal time of day when I make my log entry, in fact it is just after sunrise, but something of substantial importance has just occurred:  I have spotted what appears to be LAND!  It’s still far off on the horizon, and from this distance appears like a large flat disk lying on the horizon between the sea and the sky.  If there are inhabitants living on it, I see no reason to alarm them by increasing the speed of my approach.  Without going back down into the ship to check my instruments I can’t really warrant a guess as to how big it is or how far away.  I’ve brought Doctor Green out onto the deck with me to create an image of it, as this could be a landmark moment of my existence.  I’m going to sit here and enjoy the view for a while, and enjoy my breakfast.  I set the molecular reorganizer to create something called “Corn Flakes” with milk and toast.  It is quite delicious.  Much of my information on what is good to eat I get first hand from Doctor Green who seems to be some sort of culinary expert.  For instance, in my time on the planet there was no longer any such thing as McDonald’s, macaroni and cheese, or Coca Cola, but he has been able to program the reassembler to produce all those tasty treats and more.


Now I’m down in the comfort of the control room of my submersible.  My long distance scanner is showing me something I can hardly believe.  The land mass ahead of me appears to be a perfect circle, and it is quite large.  It is also teaming with life forms, many of which do appear to be humanoid if my readings are correct.  I am going back up to the deck now to watch my approach.

It is now several hours later. I am again sitting in my “captain’s chair,” writing in my journal.  Shortly after my last entry, as I was sitting on my deck, a small craft approached me, piloted by two women.  The women were Japanese, or seemed to be from my own approximation.  I have learned some interesting facts about the planet, which I now wish to hurriedly scrawl down. 


1.)  (And most important, at least for me) It seems I am the ONLY man on the planet!  My visitors were extremely excited to see me, and explained to me that the last known males died about 100 years ago. 


2.) A virus called the XY virus infected the entire population of the planet approximately 150 years ago.  Nobody died from it, but once it had spread throughout the world’s population, no more male children were ever born. All the frantic and desperate attempts to stave this off failed.  Only one achievement allowed the human race to continue.  A way was discovered for women to clone themselves.  Unfortunately by this time the last remaining males had passed away. 

3.) Lots of other stuff happened that affected the world and made it what it is today, most notably a 3rd world war, and complete ice cap meltdown.  Only extremely advanced technological achievements have allowed for there to even be any people (or land for them to live on.)


4.)  The large island I am approaching is now known as New Japan. It is in fact a perfect circle, and can mostly be described now as a manmade construct.  The shores are in fact cliffs that rise some 100 feet above sea level, and this has been done on purpose to prevent flooding, a system which my visitors explained to me has been used throughout the entire world (or what is left of it)


There is a lot more information.  So much more.  However to keep this as much a work of prose as possible I am including a series of Appendices at the end of this journal writing for reference.




We arrive in New Japan.  The technology is astounding.  My boat enters a sort of water elevator and we are carried up and over the side of the wall.  New Japan is more of a bowl then a raised island.  As soon as we arrive a police escort is there to greet us.  I remain calm.  I know nothing of the customs of these women.  I wish to follow whatever rules they have and I try my best to explain this.  They ae somewhat alarmed by Doctor Green at first, but he is quite charming when he wants to be, and assures the women he is no harm to anyone.  Also I don’t really want to be out wandering around without him.


The governor of New Japan wishes to see me and I am brought before her in a large temple situated near the shoreline.   She explains she is worried for my safety and also the chaos my arrival might bring to her small isolated world.  I am welcome to stay as long as I agree to their terms, part of which is being assigned an entourage.  I feel much safer now.  There are two armed warrior women, a knowledgeable guide, and I am asked if I would like a girlfriend or wife.  I don’t really feel like the body guards are necessary for my protection as Doctor Green and his various apparatus can fend off an army of hundreds, but I feel like I should agree to all the Governor’s terms. The mayor says she has plans to find me a suitable Japanese wife and says I will be summoned the next morning at 8.  

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

8-6-2473 Cassie vs. Harmony


Cassie vs. Harmony

(Cassie’s Bedroom)

On the way to Cassie’s house she steps into a self-med booth for a few minutes.  When she steps out the small amount of bruising on her face and ribs is gone, as are the scratches Gloria managed to inflict on her before getting punched out.  TO look at her now you would never know she had just been in a brutal fist fight with another girl.  These Self-Med stations are truly a wonder.  


“Let’s go, baby.”  She says as she takes my hand and within 10 minutes we are stepping through the threshold of her house.   She flips on the red porch light as we enter, closing the door but not locking it.  This is absolutely no surprise to me.  Gloria wasn’t much of a challenge to her after all.  She is probably still very horny for a decent fight.  We start to make out as we move slowly closer to her bed.


She pushes me down onto the bed and I collapse limply into the welcoming softness.  She places one knee on the edge of the mattress and begins to crawl over me.  I feel her hard nipples scrape my chest and we kiss again.  I massage her butt, feeling the brown cotton fabric of her fighting panties stretched over her perfect ass.  I slip my fingers under the waistband and start to pull them down.


“Not yet, baby.”  She says.  “I’m hoping for company.”  Then she slides down my body and takes my hard cock into her mouth.


“OOohhhhhh…”  I moan with delight and bury my head backward into the pillows as she starts working my shaft in and out of her cheeks.  I’m almost about to cum when I notice the door open.   


“BITCH GET OFF MY MAN”  The voice cuts through the air and I instantly recognize it as Harmony.  Ohhhh, this is gonna be JUICY!


Cassie calmly rises up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.  She licks her lips as she adjusts the waistband of her panties and turns to confront the challenger.


“I was hoping you would show up.” She hisses as she stands up at the foot of the bed and takes a step towards the intruder.  My dick throbs in anticipation, knowing full well that before too long it will be plunging in and out of one of these two lovely fighters.   


Slowly, meticulously, the two young women circle each other in the large open space at the foot of Cassie’s bed.  Most of the fighting women of Green Tower City have very spartan bedrooms, allowing more room for fighting. 




Cassie starts the fight with a savage slap to the face.  Harmony is sent reeling!  The fight is on!