Saturday, September 21, 2019

3-6-2473 Danielle vs. Rachael

(Author's Note for clarity: though even the outfit is described as similar to the other Rachel in  the timeline, notice the different spelling of the first name and the addition of the last name.  To make it totally clear, this character is not the same Rachel who appears in Green Tower City some months following this fight.)

Danielle vs. Rachel H

(The Outback Fight House)

I am very impressed by the brutal blonde girl in black panties, Danielle and agree to spend the night with her at her house. When I tell her I am on my way to Zeldos she tells me she wants to come there with me.  

A few days later she defeats Jennifer at the same venue, and thus earns the right to become my travelling companion to Zeldos. 


  1. Always loved the images of the corner beatdown and dragging Rachel to the middle of the ring.

    1. Thank you! Man this series really takes me back. Hard to believe it's been over 20 years since I drew this series. My brief foray into black and white sets was inspired by some Glenn prints I'd bought through the mail. Ahhhh, the good ole days.
