Monday, September 23, 2019


Raven haired Harmony was born in The Rocky Isles on 7-4-2456 and remained their through her girlhood.  Harmony began getting into fist fights on the playground at a very young age, and when she reached Academy age accepted a scholarship to travel to Zeldos where she took Academy courses at the Grand Academy in Suburbia.  Having no interest in being a team player, she went through Academy exclusively practicing individual combat sports, which roused the ire of many House Ravens who desperately wanted to recruit her and her savage fighting style.  Before graduation she headed into the Outer City where she began building a reputation for herself as a brutal fighter, even winning a couple death matches very early on.  Harmony is very good at fisticuffs but can also engage in any manner of combat and is particularly versatile at adapting to the style of her opponent.  If she has a weakness it is complete fearlessness and she will fight anyone, which does lead to her getting beat from time to time, but this typically inspires her to keep challenging an opponent until she has defeated them.  She is on record as being the first fighter to emerge victorious from a Birthday Girl Death Match in Green Tower City History. 


7-10-2473 Harmony vs. Inga

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