Tuesday, January 26, 2021

7-26-2473 Harmony vs. Kristina

                                                   Harmony vs. Kristina

(Kristina’s Bedroom)

Harmony looks apprehensive as she walks into Kristina’s bedroom.  Her breasts heave up and down as she sucks in deep sharp gulps of air.  She looks a little scared, but her nipples are hard.  She wants to fight. 


Kristina smacks her lips as she slowly dismounts me.  As she steps off the bed she doesn’t take her eyes off her dark haired challenger as she slightly adjusts the waistband of her fighting panties.  Harmony raises her fists and Kristina does the same.   They both slowly begin to side step, circling each other in the large space between the edge of the bed and the door.


They step forward.



The first barrage of punches is hard hitting and fast.  Both girls get bloodied.  After about a dozen punches each they stumble a couple steps back and raise their fists again.  They start to circle.  Both fighters are breathing heavy and already sweating, probably as much from fear as exertion.  They each know this is not going to be an easy win.


They make three full passes and step in again.









It’s a hell of a fist fight.  They’re just taking blows and giving them back, all the time continuing to circle the room.  Suddenly Harmony drops her fists and steps in for a body hug.  Kristina falls forward and they clasp at each other weakly, their crotches slap together as their bodies fall into each other and they stumble about the room for a second. 




Harmony slaps Kristina in the face and the red head responds instantly with a face slap of her own. They then begin to writhe their bodies together frantically, trying to get the upper hand. 


“OHhhhhhhhhhh….” They moan in desperation, and it sounds almost like sexual pleasure  but there is a hint of agony in the moan too as the girls are both bloodied and bruised just minutes into this wild fist fight.  Suddenly they grab each other’s hair and waistbands.  They lightly slap their bellies together as they struggle to force each other down.


“UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!”  Kristina’s knees start to buckle.  She’s going down!


PLUD!!!  Just as it looked like she was going to drop the ginger haired brawler steps forward and brings a knee up into Harmony’ unsuspecting crotch HARD.


“BLARKKK!”  Harmony’s spits out a glob of blood and staggers backward, reaching up into the bridge of her crotch with both her hands.  Kristina steps forward and smashes her fist right across the bridge of Harmony’s nose. 




Harmony flops onto her back, blood spraying the air from her nose as she falls.  She hits the hard wood floor with a loud thud.   Her arms and legs spread out limply.  Her torso lurches once and she goes limp.  She’s out cold!  Kristina quickly drops down, straddling her crotch to crotch.  She grabs Harmony’s left breast, squeezes, and pulls her forward into a punch that catches her square in the jaw. 




Harmony flops to her back again.  Her pelvis lurches slightly a couple times.  The nasty face punch has brought her partially back to.  She is HURTING.  Kristina drops to her hands and knees over her prey, and prepares to crawl forward, either to position herself for a finishing  blow or maybe to face sit her enemy out.   Kristina has been to employ a wide variety of methods of finishing her opponents off.



 Harmony’s knee suddenly jerks up and catches Kristina right square in the middle of her crotch.


“EEK!”  Kristina screeches and she belly flops onto Harmony who instantly snaps her arms and legs around her foe, holding her as tight as she can.  Kristina does the same and they begin to rock back and forth as Kristina struggles to stay on top and Harmony struggles to flip them over.  Harmony manages to get them on their side and then they quickly grab each other’s hair and panties again.  Harmony is getting her left leg up in the air.  She’s going to get the mount. Suddenly Kristina lets go of her grip on Harmony’s panties and gives her a sharp right jab in the mound. Harmony squawks in pain and flops back onto her back.  Kristina begins to mount her, but suddenly screams in agony.




Harmony has her claws sunk deep into the pale white flesh of Kristina’s right breast.  And she is twisting her wrist.




From somewhere Kristina finds the strength to punch Harmony in the face.  The raven haired fighter immediately lets go of her boob grip as her arms and legs flop lifelessly to the floor once again.  Kristina drops to her butt and quickly scurries backward away from the prone girl until her back comes to the opposite bedroom wall.  She looks hurt and terrified.  She doesn’t realize Harmony is out. 


“GASP! GASP! GASP!”  Kristina stares wide eyed at her adversary as she gulps in huge gasps of air.  Her breasts heave up and down.  Finally her breathing starts to slow down.  She begins to crawl slowly, tentatively, towards her enemy, lying flat on her back. She crawls forward a couple steps slowly, then suddenly scampers quickly the rest of the way to the body of her foe and mounts her crotch to crotch.  Harmony’s only response is a slight body twitch as Kristina slides up over her mound with her own and arches her back, balling her fist. 




The first punch sends Harmony’s face into the floor spraying blood and it looks like a tooth or two.  Her body jerks and goes limp.  Kristina raises her left fist.




Harmony’s face flops the other way, spraying that side of the floor with blood. Kristina speeds up the assault.




Right Left Right Left Right Left.


Kristina continues the beating for a couple long moments that seem like eternity.  I can tell she is pulling her punches just enough to keep from rendering an illegal kill.




The last right hook seems to nearly detach Harmony’s head from her shoulders and she makes a curious rattling sound as she lurches and goes limp for the fiftieth time.  Kristina sits on her mount now, raising her shoulders up.  Her breasts heave up and down, now from sheer adrenaline, all traces of fear gone.  She has won this fight.  She catches her breath for a few moments then slowly stands over her prey, raises her foot and…




She gives Harmony one last stomp to the bridge of her nose.  Fresh blood splatters.  Harmony’s body lurches violent and her arms and legs spread out to their maximum ability.  She is completely destroyed.  Kristina slowly sinks to the floor, dropping to her butt against the opposite wall, exhausted and hurt badly.  I go  to help her get to her feet.  She wraps her arms around me and kisses me while I help her back to the bed. 


After we have fucked savagely for 20 minutes, Kristina falls into a deep sleep.  I carry Harmony down to the curb and place her gently by the curb to make sure she gets to the hospital.  She fought her heart out and I know I haven’t seen the last of her.

In the morning I let the exhausted Kristina sleep while I head out into the Outer City, where I first grab a bite to eat before making my way to The Bloody Mattress for a death match.





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