Wednesday, February 19, 2020

An Introduction to the World of Green Tower City

Earth in the 25th century is an exciting place.  Since the XY virus spread through humankind and wiped out all males, women have continued to reproduce through a form of artificial insemination that invariably results in an exact clone of the mother.  These women grow up in a world that is almost completely transformed from what it was hundreds of years ago.  The world's land masses, which once covered roughly 26% of the planet's surface, now cover only about 8% of it.  What's left of the ancient nations lie scattered about on small islands and archipelagos where only the highest mountaintops once existed, and here massive feats of engineering have assisted in leveling those mountaintops and bringing up additional soil from the surrounding areas to create small area where women can live their lives.  A loosely knit representation from each of these island nations form the New World Council, which governs the earth and keeps the peace.

The remaining nations of the world are listed as follows.

The Rocky Isles, a north west oriented archipelago where once a continent called "North America" existed.

The Andelusians, a north west oriented archipelago where once a continent called "South America" existed.

The Northern and Southern Alpines, where once a continent known as "Europe" existed.

Madagascar, which is the only habitable region of the continent once known as Africa.

The Himalaysians, an east west archipelago of islands which was once known as South East Asia.

The relatively large continents of New Japan and New Australia.

And lastly and most importantly, Zeldos, by far the largest land mass left on the planet, which is located where an uninhabitable frozen wasteland known as "Antarctica" existed.  Now it is a tropical paradise, and the hub of what has become the major aspect of the world economy:  Female Combat Sports.

This is where the Green Tower City Role Playing Game will take place, though I may eventually add some options for characters to explore other parts of the world.

On the Southern coast of Zeldos, jutting out on a boot shaped peninsula, is Green Tower City, the worldwide recognized capitol city of combat.  Though there are fighting organizations and venues scattered all over the globe, this is the hub of professional combat, and where all women who take part in professional fighting long to end up one day.

Your character will begin as a rookie in the Outer City, and eventually (with any luck) work her way through the Wall, where everyone must win a fight to pass through into the fabled Inner City.  It is here that all the world's most renowned fighting venues are located.


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