Friday, February 14, 2020


This post will serve as the hub for my Green Tower City Role Playing Game. I may occasionally restructure the table of contents, and I will almost certainly add things from time to time, but this will be the permanent home and everything relating to the game will link from here. 

The Green Tower City Role Playing Game


In this game you can create a Green Tower City girl.  You get to decide what she looks like.  You get to decide what she wears, within the parameters of the world I have created.  (In Green Tower City all the female fighters wear standard bikini bottom panties.  There are no thongs.  There is no complete nudity.  Why is this, you may ask?  Because it is MY fantasy world and I just really like panties for some reason so that's how it is.  Take it or leave it.)  You can decide where in the current world she originated from and at what point she turns 18.  (Which is the moment in the timeline she will be allowed to commence taking part in bouts.)  You can then have her challenge or accept challenges from other Green Tower City girls to fight.  She can also enter into elimination tournaments and Battle Royales.

BEFORE WE GO ANY FURTHER:  There is going to be a TON of information in here that may be very confusing.  That is ok.  You can approach this game in several different ways.  If you are really into gaming and want to know all the details of how the mechanics of the game works, it is my intention to eventually make all that information available.  HOWEVER... if all you want to do is describe a cute fighting girl and have her engage in battles, that is simple enough as well.  At it's simplest, this will be you telling me what you want your character to do, and me responding with the result and what her opponent does.  If you want to know more, then keep reading. 

The fights will be turn based, and the outcomes of each maneuver will be decided by die rolls that are then affected by modifiers that are assigned to your character.  I will be the one who performs the die rolls and I will not tell you the exact numbers.  Rather, I will inform you of what is happening in a more story based fashion.  Her mods will increase over time as she continues to gain experience.  Experience is granted every time she fights, though  the amount of points she receives will be determined by a number of factors, including:  Whether she wins or loses (yes even losses will usually gain your  character some experience unless she loses to a weaker character.)  How quickly she wins,  How tough her opponent is,  and how much equipment your character is wearing.  Girls who fight in only their panties will always gain the most EXP for their fights, even if they lose. 

Once you have created a character it is my intention to draw 3 basic poses for her.  There will be 1 standard pose of her standing.  This is for the Title cards and intro panels.  There will also be 1 winning pose for her and 1 defeated pose.  With these I can create basic illustrated versions of her fights.  If you would like more drawings of your character, I am always willing to do paid commissions, but these three I will do for free for anyone who is interested in trying out the game.  (For now.  If it turns out hundreds of people want to play, I may have to take a step back.)

The fights will take place right here on my blog.  The only thing you really need to be able to do to take part in the game I am creating is have the ability to comment on my blogs.   Create a fake persona if you want just for the game.  Make a fake e-mail address so you can play anonymously. Believe me I get it.  Do you think my name is really Ishmael?  Ha. Ha.  

If all of this still sounds confusing don't worry.  Within the next few days I intend to post a sample fight and I think that will be the best way to illustrate how this game is going to work.  For every fight that begins, I will post one of my standard Title Cards. (Like the one pictured below)  Each fight will be a separate blog that will be linked to from this table of Contents.  (Which in turn will be link-able from the main directory)

Once that has been done the fight can begin.  As the self appointed "Game Master"  I will determine which character can make the first move.  Then the player (IE:  Me or You) announces, via comment under the title card, what they are going to do.  You will have a list of fighting moves your character can perform.  (As a beginner, it will be fairly minimal, but most basic fighting moves will be there.)  Both characters maneuvers, per turn, will be considered to take place at the same time.  So if a character gets punched, you can  choose to evade, block or simply take the hit, which would give you the ability to attack simultaneously.  or now you will be mostly playing against me and characters I have created.  Eventually I hope we can have player vs. player battles that I moderate.   If you want, you could even create two characters yourself and have them fight it out.  But we will get to that sort of thing later. 

The fight is over when one girl is unconscious (or possibly even dead.)  Killed characters are done.  There is no bringing them back.  Time to create a new girl.  Let me point out that this eventuality can be easily avoided as long as you are cautious.   Once a fight has ended EXP will be awarded that will allow your character to improve in whatever manner you choose.  (Options will be laid out in another section.)  

That's about all you NEED to know.  Next I plan to create a section that you can look into if you want to know a little bit more about how the mechanics of the game work but for now I have no intention of revealing ALL the secrets of the game.  At some point I may want to recruit additional Game Masters to help me run this, if it does prove popular, but for now I will be handling all the die rolling and mod calculations  myself.  

The only thing I can do to assure you that I will always honor the results of the die rolling is to remind you, the reader, that the whole point of this experiment is for me is to try to take myself (As writer and therefore God of this little universe) out of the creation phase so that fights can progress in ways I didn't foresee.)  I assure you I really have figured out ways to quantify the events of this game in die rolls and it all makes sens in a logical sort of way.  It is however, a work in progress and as time moves on I will tweak it if things aren't working.  I am also always open to suggestions.  

The rest of the headings listed below will open on new pages.  If they don't link to anything, it's because I haven't finished that particular section yet.  




Click here to spend your EXP and upgrade your character. 

Click here to look through girls that are available to accept challenges for fights.  To make a challenge, comment on the profile of the character you want your character to fight and I will set up a match. 


  1. You still doing these?

    1. Unfortunately no I've pretty much abandoned this idea for the time being. It was a good concept but way too high maintenance for me I think, plus I never could quite iron out some of the mechanics of it. I'm much better at making the "Choose Your own Adventure" style stories.

      Maybe someday years from now when I am retired and have nothing else to do I might take this back off the shelf.
