Monday, August 19, 2019


Alison grew up in Suburbia, but took part in no combat sports in school. At age 18 she moved to Green Tower City as a worker, and got a job at Catfight Cavern as a mat girl. One night she had just finished up mopping up the aftermath of a particularly nasty brawl, but missed a small puddle of blood. Sugar, who was waiting in her corner to take on Patti, grabbed Alison and shoved her face first into the puddle. This was a violation of Catfight Cavern policy, and Sugar would have been severely fined, but before a moderator could do anything, Alison jumped up and slapped Sugar in the face. A short brawl ensued, and it seemed like Alison was winning, but the fight was broken up and Alison was fired. A fight promoter arranged for a special death match to be held at The Poison Lair between the two girls, both of whom readily accepted. Alison won the fight, which got her a pro fighter’s card, and has gone on to a decent fight career


11-24-2476 Alison vs. Jeannie

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