Monday, August 19, 2019

3-24-2473 Audrey vs. Monique

It is March 24th.  Ishmael has been back on Earth for just over a month and after having had some adventures and witnessed several fights in New Japan and New Australia, he finally arrives on the mainland of the largest continent on the planet:  Zeldos.  (Which was still Antarctica when he blasted off 500 years ago.  

His first stop is the port town of Harbor City,  which is still a couple hundred miles away from the fabled Green Tower City.  Ishmael has decided to take his time and take a leisurely trip down the Zeldos river to get there.  First he will spends a few days in Harbor City and check out a couple of the fighting venues there.

The first one he goes to is a small home in the wall place called simply The Basement where he sees two girls fighting that he will encounter many more times over the course of the next few years:  Audrey and Monique.


  1. Always dug this one. Just something about how Monique wins and celebrates makes me love it.

    1. Thank you! I think this was the first time I ever drew a "mattress fight" a concept which has become one of my favorite devices.
