Monday, October 28, 2019


Princess Sword Battle

Cherize and I board my water craft and head down the river.  It is slow but pleasant going.  It will take us some time to get to the outskirts of Green Tower City, and there are a few interesting places to check out on the way.  Though I am excited about seeing this legendary hub of female fighting, I am really in no hurry.  We pass the time engaging in sex, and Cherize shows me videos of all the many fights she has been in, and tells me all about her story.

She grew up in the Southern Alpine region, in an area that was once known as France.  (She still has a slight French accent, in fact.  There she fought on Team Raven all through Academy, and the black panties she wears as part of her fighting outfit are a remnant of her Academy uniform.  (All black haired girls in Academy are sorted into Team Raven if they wish to engage in team combat, and all wear black panties.  This is true in all areas governed by the New World Council, and also New Japan, though not entirely governed by the Council, conforms to this regulatory practice.

Every twenty miles we have to pass through a series of locks that reduce our elevation substantially.  Though it is already spring and was no longer cold even in Harbor City, it become noticeably warmer as we descend, and before long the terrain on both sides of changes from windy grasslands to thick forest interspersed with prairies.  We are in an area Cherize calls “Queensland.” 

4-4-2473:  We stop to observe a violent sword fight between two women partially clad in leather.  One kills the other and challenges Cherize to fight her over me.  Cherize knows nothing about sword play and challenges the girl to a fight to the death with bare hands.  She accepts and they agree to meet the next day in a clearing in the forest.

(Author's Note: This is a commission I did a little over ten years ago.  I don't usually do weapons battles but I did a couple as paid commissions and later on integrated them into my over all Green Tower City Timeline.  Most of these off beat stories appear in the opening couple months of the timeline, and I plan to post them all in the next week or two.)